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Do you want to buy a rank?

You can buy it over here! You can pay whit paypal only on this site! 

If you want to pay with something else you can contact the owner! 


Skype: krazyvinboy

RANK GOLD:                                                                           Deze rank kost: 5 Euro

/kit Gold  [Ask the owner what this includes]





RANK EMERALD:                                                                  Deze rank kost: 10 Euro

/kit Emerald [Ask the owner what this includes] 






/recipe [hiermee zie je hoe je iets moet craften]

RANK DIAMOND:                                                                  Deze rank kost: 20 Euro

/kit Diamond [Ask the owner what this includes]






/recipe [hiermee zie je hoe je iets moet craften]


/nick [MET kleur]

/day /night [maak het dag of nacht]

/sun [stop regen of sneeuw]

Je krijgt om de 3 dagen 3 God Apples

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